Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Katrinanniversary Version 2.0

Here we are again. If you can, try to stay away from the hype, (10 minutes of CNN yesterday and I nearly puked.) I guess the only thing that ever comes up at this time is "what did you do? where did you go? did you lose anything?" It's kinda neat now to sit around with friends and exchange K-stories. They always seem to have some sort of satire attached. My story isn't that exciting, but looking back, it is kind of funny!

A)I had to evacutate to Houston with an ex-boyfriend I broke up with no more than 5 days before we were told to get the hell outta dodge.
B)Ooooh! He was poor as dirt. That made it extra fun!
C)Ended up in my hometown of Springfield, MO at my parents' house for 1 full day. That's all I could take. Moved into my sister's house quicker than you can say "Fema Check!"
D)The Ex? Oh no, he went up to his parents' in Portland, where he belonged ;-p
E)The neatest part? Being "cool aunt" to my nephews for 2 full months.
F)Worst part? Actually feeling guilty when I came back, and all my stuff, my apartment, and all my belongings where right where I left them. There was nothing I could say to my friends. Nothing.
G)I did get to throw away my refrigerator, just like everyone else in the entire city. Did you know about that? Not a lot of people did. Seemed to be our little inside joke. About maggots. Gross. That's why everyone dressed as refrigerators for Halloween, see?
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And with that, here's all the local flava I can bring you. Please check out the websites too. Become their friends and whatnot. Oh, and donations? Well, if you feel the need, do so, but be warned. This is Louisiana. It'll probably just end up in a freezer somewhere.

06 Jimmy Cousins.m4a

ya herd.mp3

03 Big Parade.mp3

03 Barrone.m4a

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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