Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Make way for the chicks! Pt. 1 (I like Pts.)

As most near and dear to me know, I hold a soft spot for chick rock, whatever that may be. Chicks with a piana, chicks with a guitar, chicks with an accordian. It might be out of jealousy because I never kept up with my piano lessons and I can't sing, it could be that "mother earth" part of me that just relates, or it could just be the stupid fact that I grew up with 5 older siblings who happened to all be female. Whatever the reason, I just think it's way cooler when I woman makes it in rock, because the boys seem to get a pass. That being said: I lurrrrve me some men.....droooool.

So here's a quick tribute to some girls that you may or may not know.

The Blackgirls.

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The thing about them, is I only had one album of theirs, on cassette. It was incredible. A big thank you to my sister for introducing them to me. I eventually wore out the cassette, and then I was stuck trying to find anything of theirs...anywhere. It was tough. Interestingly enough, if you go to amazon.com, both of their albums, Procedure and Happy, you can get for the whopping price of a penny up to a whole 37 cents! Believe me, it's worth the price of shipping. Happy was the album I came to know and love, and bless amazon, sometimes their random anonymous reviews say it all:

"in case most of you squints didn't know better, blackgirls were alternative when alternative wuddn't cool and it wuddn't yet wearing flannel.
there was dana kletter (piano/guitar) and lee johnson (guitar) both writing and singing their own songs, with hollis brown's violin practically its own lyricist.

lee johnson takes some getting used to, but scores points for singing her lyrics exactly as they demand to be sung. a little scary to some but sublime to those willing to meet her on her terms.

dana kletter's songs contributions to procedure are, as observed, devastating. she writes as one who has come to terms with her own insecurities, and is removed enough from her ego to find her flaws a source of humor. her voice and melodies could melt glass.

not surprised this is out of stock. its your loss."

That's everything you need to know, in a nutshell. Here's my fave's off of Happy. I hope you enjoy.
10 The I Love You Song.m4a
01 Happy.m4a


The Dollyrots.

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First saw them at SXSW a few months ago. I actually witnessed a ton of chick rock on this particular day, Joan Jett was hosting a show of new bands signed to her Blackheart label. This was the only band that stuck out. Kelly Ogden would be the reason. Look up "tongue-in-cheek" in the dictionary and you'll find a picture of this band. From lyrics to arrangement, it's just a band wanting to do nothing more than go out and have fun. All I wanted to do was join in. I think you'll want to as well.

As an aside, I'm completely in love with covers. This one is purrrrrrfect. Melanie Safka started it, the Dollyrots ran with it, as far as I'm concerned...

08 Brand New Key.m4a


The Ettes.
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Maybe it's my fascination with Nancy Sinatra 60s kitsch. Maybe it's the tamborines. Maybe it's the fact that you can turn this up and shake your hips and put up the devil horns at the same time! Doesn't really matter. This L.A. trio sounds anything but out of LA. I do believe I read somewhere that if Quentin Tarentino were to hear them, they would be on his next soundtrack, no questions asked, and I do believe that is the best way to describe them. Could they be my favorite find of '07? Either way, their LP, Shake the Dust, completely worth the purchase!
12 All Right.m4a
10 It Aint You.m4a


Lauren Hoffman.
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This was a random/not-so random find on myspace. Long ago, I found Mr. David Lowery on there, and lo and behold, this was one of his projects. My ears perked, and was immediately happy with my find. Just an east coast girl, doing her thing, and on her website, she even offers free downloads of her own stuff! Demos, new treasures, whatever. How cool! She is completely devoted to every single one of her fans, and it's just refreshing to hear someone just wanting to get the music out there, and not come off "too" jaded. Hey, most of us are!

My fav vid:

And song for ya:
08 Out of the Sky, Into the Sea.m4p

Her and my fav site, that we wish would blow myspace away, but probably won't. All well. It sure is pretty though!


Unknown said...

Love them Dollyrots. BTW, one of The Ettes tracks is protected.

Anonymous said...

The Come Ons